>> Sunday, January 24, 2010
It's been a long time since i have updated my blog.
A lot of events, personal thoughts and relationship thoughts are going on and making me learn more things than i ever had.
i realized that everytime i blog, i would just let my emotions get the better of me and then not thinking of the consequences.
What i write now in my blog actually shapes other people's perception of me.
Sometimes others who don't know me personally will get the wrong impression of who i am and my relationship with other people.
Even worse, what i was going through, i express it so much and wrongly that it causes even more pain.
Looking at how my relationship works, at times people thought that me and my pet sis Agnes are an item. That is not true. We are just friends and will remain that way.
i do have a girlfriend for quite sometime and because of the wrong decision made by me, it hurt her a lot that i don't show her how much i appreciate her.
i always miss all of the small gestures to make her feel great and even this, i didn't even mention her for others to know. It's not to show off a trophy but instead to let people know that i truly like her.
It sucks to know that there are so many things that i still don't know and realizing that i am so naive in this world is very troublesome.
There are so many life experiences that i am gaining only now.
I am so thankful that my girlfriend is helping me with it.
With all the things that she had done for me, there is still so much more that i want to show her.
Me and Wei Lian might be still new out there but the things we had gone through is a lot and i can't let her show me all the ropes most of the time.
At least i need to show her i am capable of doing so much more.
There are so many things that had been shown and i think i need to take a lot more action and initiative.
Calv out.