Ever wonder?

>> Saturday, July 11, 2009

Ever wonder why people tend to look at their shit after finish dumping them?

Ever wonder why you you close your eyes when you sneeze?

Ever wonder why people shits and pees at the same time?

Ever wonder why you smell your hand even though you know you touch something disgusting?

Ever wonder why you laugh at a lame joke?

Ever wonder why you have to click "Start" to turn off your computer?

Ever wonder why women use more than one facial products?

Ever wonder why the suns lightens your hair but darkens your skin?

Ever wonder why they sterilize the needle for lethal injection?

Ever wonder why guys have more hair than girls?

Ever wonder why behind every ugly man there is a gorgeous woman?

Ever wonder why people ask for the time when they have a watch/mobile phones?

Ever wonder why the Easter bunny carried eggs when rabbit can't lay eggs?

Ever wonder why you can't get tanned on your palms?


Those above may seem absurd to you but you have to admit that you did it or see it before.
Some of you might even experience most of it, if not all of it.
i don't have the answers for all the questions but i did wonder all of this before.

Do you ever wonder anything at all?
Think about it.

Project 365:

Day 130: July 4, 2009

Visited an old friend.
Met the new kid that they are babysitting.
Very chatty girl! Remember what i told you girl, brush your teeth!

Day 131: July 5, 2009

Accidently ate an alcoholic chocolate!
Thankfully, the bathroom is near.
The taste is good though, because of the alcohol in it.

Day 132: July 6, 2009

Time to vanquish all the cockroaches!
This is another method of eliminating it!
Filthy insects.

Day 133: July 7, 2009 (Tuesday)

Damn, it is my Sociology finals!
And it is finally over!
Holiday starts now.

Day 134: July 8, 2009

Some prayers in front of my grandmother's flat.
Asking luck from the supernatural?
Hopefully it is a helpful one.

Day 135: July 9, 2009

Got this free BMW Shorties DVD from Mr. Seet during that day's meeting with him.
Watch it on that night. The winner's work is great.
The rest is just alright.

Day 136: July 10, 2009 (Friday)

Finally played basketball after so long!
All i know is that i sucked that night!
Need to practise more.

Day 137: July 11, 2009

Is Mc Donald changing their coke's cup?
Maybe i am outdated but it is an improvement.

Calv out!

1 thought/s:

Calv_K July 14, 2009 at 1:54 AM  

Lolx, i rather be none.
Lemme be myself who put having gf the last thing in mind!

You think you are ugly, what about others? Beauty is at the eye of the beholder. Kakakaka..

About This Blog

All about promoting taking pictures using your camera phone. Of course i am including my stories in this blog! There will be pictures, either taken by camera/camera phone or drawn by pen.

Thanks for visiting me

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