Basically we visited the whole Mallaca Town, i think, and just gone crazy.
Here's the summary of the trip, if you can called it a "summary":
When we arrived, we went to Zoo Melaka before checking into Hall Mark Hotel.

First stop.
Saw lots and lots of different deers there.

One of the many many deers!
Too bad the lion wasn't that "
majestic" looking, someone shave its mane or it's just too hot that the lion wanted to cool down!

The cool lion with little mane.
There is one point in the zoo where we can climb all the way up to have a look at the whole zoo.
It was a nice view!

Nice view from the top!
After that, we got lost but manage to find our way to the hotel and we got lost again 'cause trying to find food.
Later our "tour guide", Fred and Joanna came and we can really explore Malacca!
Went to Saint's Paul Church but was close 'cause too late but along the streets there there is things to buy!
i bought a wooden umbrella to repent myself as it happens 14 or 15 years ago. =P
We of course went to A. Famosa and take a lot of funny shots!
All were posing for the camera's!
Later, we hang out in front of Dataran Pahlawan doing MORE posing.
The best part is that they brought us at night to see the
Christmas decorations at
Portuguese Settlement during the night.

The neighborhood Christmas' spirit

The lights (Wish i had my camera)
It was great, fantastic and very participative of the people there. Love the lights.
One thing i notice though, what happen to all the green and red lights to subtitute the lack of the tree? It's either yellow or blue.
During the late late night we played cards until everyone is sleepy.
That is when i have a tough time sleeping. i don't think i even remeber sleeping! =P
Jeremy was coughing, Luc was snoring away.
According to Luc, we have to beware of his Jet Plane Snore! Wow! Is it that loud? Quite? Haha.. You have to hear it to believe it.
The second day, we went to more places.
Early in the morning, we went to St. John's Fort to see the sunrise.
Sadly it was blocked by the Holiday Inn and the stupid water tank!

The sun rise was blocked!
This is the best part of the trip, for me. Wish Joanna and Fred was here, more craziness ensure!
We get to hang out and do crazy stuff.
Mae, Alexa and Li Wen were recording each other. Still remember Mae running round and round.
Luc and Sayyid chilling out, Alexa and TK lovey-dovey, Jeremy testing his voice, Eliza almost fell down. =P

Busy looking at photos?

Chilling out.

Eh, eh, malu pulak.
Then, all of us went back to the hotel to rest and get some shut eye.
Joanna and Fred greet us again afterwards.
We went to the art gallery, Saint's Paul Church, Melaka Sultanate Palace, Mahkota Parade and Taming Sari's Revolving Tower. There might be a few missing because of my short-term memory. Ehehehe...

In the Revolving Tower.

The Revolving Tower was great because we get to see the almost the whole Malacca.
The only mad thing i wish for it to happen is that it goes down
very fast like the ride in Genting's Solero Shot. Muahahahaha... xD
During the night, we went to the all famous Jonker Street!
Bought a lot of things there because getting sovenirs for family and friends (Yes, i DID remember to get something for them!)
And eat a lot too. Was sharing food with Eliza to minimize the fat i need to lose, when i get back to KL. =P
Around 10.40pm, we need to say goodbye to Malacca! Such a sad thing.

One thing's for sure, i had a great time there and i am sure the rest do too.
Our legs might be tired but our hearts are filled with joy!
Really hope to visit Malacca again!
A really big THANKS to Fred and Joanna for accompanying and entertaining us there and be our tour guide!
Thanks to Eliza, Mae, Jeremy, Li Wen, TK, Alexa, Luc and Syed for keeping each other company and create such fun atmosphere!
Calv out!!