I got no sole

>> Monday, September 19, 2011

I would like to begin by bursting your bubble wtf. No, it is not the hey-I-sold-my-soul-to-the-Devil soul. It's more of a shoe's sole. Just in case you don't get my title wtf (cue sad music).

Seriously, it happened twice. Last year and this year. I bet it will soon be an annual thing since it's two years in a row. Oh what did I do to deserve this wtf. I bet you during my past life I was, a thief. Who steals shoes fml.

Alright, back to those incidents. First one was last year during marathon. Standard Charted KL Marathon 2010. Ahh... That fateful day. With sun shining, less than three hours of sleep and overtook by a girl (Wei Lian wtf). Good times. Good times. Oops, did I type that twice? Well, that's on purpose. Again, I got sidetracked wtf.

Imagine me running for the past hour and I saw the sign, 9km. Wow, one more kilometer and I will get my SOLID metal medal (no gold, sorry wtf). Of course that motivated me to continue running *cough-walking-cough* and run I did *cough-crawling-cough* wtf. In that instance, I can hear the crowd but no finish line in sight yet. So I ran/walk/crawl harder. Really, I did.

Something like that but more severe wtf

Out of nowhere, the sole of my shoe decided to fly open. It has a mouth people!!! The angle of the mouth open would put a crocodile/snake to shame. It can fit two and half Big Mac in it. Still I will keep on running. Duh, damn beh shiok right if I stop and quit when the end is near wtf. Beh shiok means "doesn't feel good" in Hokkien btw.

Proud to say, I reach the finishing line with one side of the shoe's sole flying off. So boys and girls, lesson here is: don't wear an old Bata shoe for marathon wtf.

Alright, the second incident would be more interesting if it happened on stage wtf. Seriously I kid you not. Don't worry, it did not happen during this year's Standard Charted KL Marathon. I used Bata shoes again wtf. Less than a year old wtf. (edited: to clarify, the Bata shoe again is for the marathon. I am not so loyal to Bata until I buy their leather shoes wtf)

What was suppose to happen that didn't happen!!!!!!

Anyway, this happened on 10th April 2011. Not quite recent but it is this year wtf. For HELP University College students, I bet you know what this date means. Convocation yo! Yay, the transition from a student to a jobless person wtf. During the event, of course we have to go up on stage, bow, shake hands, grab cert, pose, and go down. Wow, so many steps. You can thank me later future HELP UC graduates wtf.

During that time, nothing went wrong, phew. It was after the convocation when we are ready for food. As I was walking towards the restaurant, my LEATHER SHOE's sole came off!!!!! And you can imagine my family's reaction. PLUS my wonderful girlfriend, Wei Lian wtf. Of course the burst of laughters were there. And thanks to the swift action from my grandma, she managed to safe my sole wtf. I am sure she framed my sole up hanging it somewhere that I can't find it. I still can't wtf.

Err, yea, grandma before ordering the frame for it. Kidding!! Or am I? wtf

I know that all of you were hoping for it to happen on stage BUT thankfully it didn't. If it did, there goes all my future prospect jobs wtf. Imagine during interview:

Interviewer: Hey, aren't you the dude who left your sole on stage? HAHAHAHA.. That was hilarious!

Me: Err.. Yea..

Interviewer: I mean, c'mon, for it to happen DURING your convo!! Can you imagine the embarrassment?

Me: Hahaha........ Yea, so unexpected....

Interviewer: I know, how can you live with yourself!! OMG, I get to tell this to my colleagues too!

Me: *gives interviewer lots of paper cuts while stabbing his eye with his pen on his desk*

Warning, graphic picture, oops too late

See, that's why I can never get a job if that happens. Thank God, only my family will remember it as "the day Calvin's sole came off" instead of "the day Calvin graduated" fml.

OK, that's all. Kthxbye.

Calv out.

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