Finally a personal post?

>> Friday, July 15, 2011

OK, I know this is random but here goes:


So... Yeah.. Actually, I promise myself to do so last week wtf.
And last last week wtf wtf.

I have tonnes to write but when I came home, errr.. I forgot about it. Yes, I am not getting any younger. Well, I am actually 5 years old (Hurray!). You know 2 + 3.... (Hurray for denial wtf) So yeah................ sobs* wait-men-don't-cry. I mean Arrrghh*!! (Flexing muscles, I mean fats fml)

On the bright side, me and Wei Lian are going to Urbanscapes. We are no longer virgins yo!!! As in Urbanscapes thingy!!!! Dirty minded fellas.

And yes, I admit: Me blog from work. Forverygoodreasonboss! To get the creative juice flowing?

Also, let me complain:

Google!!! Why you no like Facebook? Busy promoting Google Plus ah?
Oh yeah, I am on Google Plus too wtf. Wei Lian invited me.... As the tech guy, I feel sad that I didn't get it first......... Back to work!

Calv out!

1 thought/s:

pinkbag July 16, 2011 at 3:45 AM  

It's Y U NO LIKE FACEBOOK? like this post yo

About This Blog

All about promoting taking pictures using your camera phone. Of course i am including my stories in this blog! There will be pictures, either taken by camera/camera phone or drawn by pen.

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