Résultats oh résultats

>> Thursday, January 8, 2009

If you don't understand that, it means "Results oh results"
Saw my results this noon with Riz and great! Just great!

i am NOT happy about my results and i am not going to reveal it to the whole wide web.
Just telling that it is a straight _. There you go!
i don't know what is my Public Speaking lecturer, who will be my lecturer for the next few subjects in the future, deal is.
Seriously, i think he is just a sadist and wants to see people suffer.

The rest of the results is my own fault i guess.
Well, what's done is done, but i am not done with the Public Speaking lecturer.
In the future, there WILL be an all out war with him.

i need a good laugh.

This is good.

Calv out!

0 thought/s:

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All about promoting taking pictures using your camera phone. Of course i am including my stories in this blog! There will be pictures, either taken by camera/camera phone or drawn by pen.

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