How do you speak?

>> Saturday, April 4, 2009

He was depress, he was insecure, he was suicidal.

As he passed by the park wanting to kill himself.

He saw a girl, so beautiful, so charming, so brilliant.

She sat alone at the park until the evening, when the sun sets.

He thought she would never talk with him. He thought correctly.

That was because he approached her and she looked at him, not saying a single word.

She shook her head, and then smiled.

Even though she did not speak to him, he continues hanging out at the park.

Just the slightest glimpse at her would make his day.

He wondered why is she always alone not speaking to anyone.

Even as other people approached her, she would not respond to them.

She would always sit at the same spot, usually brushed her hair back when the wind blows.

At times she would lift her arms to stretch herself without standing up.

She even lean towards the left when she saw something interesting.

This is how much he observed her each day.

Worried that he might scare her again if he approach her, he continued watching her.

Then, a friend of his told him that she never visited the park as often as she did now.

He wonders was it because he talked to her the other day?

Or was it just a change of taste in places?

Suddenly he gained the courage to talk to her.

The following day, he approached her.

The girl was sitting at the same bench like any other day.

Yes, she is still so beautiful, so charming, so brilliant.

He looked into her eyes and talked to her.

The same thing happen.

This time, she started moving her arms and hands.

She did not shook her head, she nodded.

He then realize, it is not that she don't want to speak with him, she just can't.

Since then, they become friends. Good friends.

One day he asked her why she did not respond to him the first time?

She answered with her hand moving so gracefully.

He cried as he understood the meaning and he knows the reason.

She said "i speak with my hands, you speak with your eyes"

Project 365:

Day 38: April 2, 2008 (Thursday)

Happy 48th Birthday Mom!!!
This is what i gave my mom for her birthday.
It's a plushie shaped like a shit.
She thought it was a pumpkin!
She likes it and place it together with her favourite things. ^^

Day 39: April 3, 2009

In the library, you can cut the tension with a knife.
Anthropology seem to be killing my friends.
They were really cracking their heads for the test.
All the best and hope you guys and girls get good result!

Day 40: April 4, 2009

Does this place looked familiar?
Went to Shangri La to have dinner with my parents.
The buffet there was great.
i think i went around six rounds?
Boy, i am still stuffed until now!

Calv out!

0 thought/s:

About This Blog

All about promoting taking pictures using your camera phone. Of course i am including my stories in this blog! There will be pictures, either taken by camera/camera phone or drawn by pen.

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