Superhero Awards!

>> Monday, January 17, 2011

This is uncalled for but it's time for an award blogpost!!!

Today, I will present to you, the good, the bad, the ugly, the horrible, the best and everything in between awards for Superheroes! I don't care if it is from Marvel or DC. Yes, I'll be talking only about American superheroes.

On to the Superhero Awards:

Best Superhero Costume Award: Spiderman (Marvel)

Come on! You can't deny this one! It is simple elegant and logical. This is where you can actually cover yourself up without worrying that your identity being reveal. Colors are striking and the eyes are one of the best features in the costume. Also the Spiderman logo!

Worst Superhero Costume Award: Dr. Strange (Marvel)

Ok, ugly and out of the ordinary, check. Yes, he got the magic. He might even be the strongest magician of all time but look at the costume.... No.. THAT is the world BEST magician?? Great, why don't he poof some bunny out of his cape.

Strongest Superhero Award: Thor (Marvel)

C'mon, he is a God for god sakes wtf. You would think Superman wins this award? Superman is pale in comparision with this God. Remember, other than Kryptonite, he is also vulnerable to magic. So that's where Thor's hammer pawn Superman big time. Bye bye Man of Steel.

Weakest Superhero Award: Jubilee (Marvel)

Seriously, her mutant power is to generate fireworks. Yay, we'll call her during New Years time. Now that's your spark wtf. Why this does not go to Batman? Well, even though he has no superpower, his utility belt and combat skills can definitely take a lot of the super-powered people. Jubilee, I'm sorry but you definitely deserve this award.

Smartest Superhero Award: Batman (DC)

Surprise, surprise it's Batman. He doesn't have any superpower yet he can beat the crap out of other superheroes. All he has is his brain. Of course with martial arts training, chemistry, forensics and criminology plays a big part in making him that awesome. Batman can outsmart enemies and he design most of his weapons. Now this is a hero I wouldn't simply attack.

Best Sidekick Award: Skeets (DC)

Of course he is the best. The floating buzzing robot is like the professor you never had. Its from the future with a wide library of facts so that Booster Gold doesn't mess up anything. This is one of the most reliable sidekick ever. Without Skeets, so long Booster Gold. So remember, there is no "hero" in superhero if there is no Skeets.

So far, that is it! Congratulations to the winners. Any more categories that you think is suitable?
Next time, there will be a Super Villian Awards!

Calv out!

1 thought/s:

jfook January 17, 2011 at 11:26 PM  

I think SUperman has great costume too. But Batman's one is ain't bad though. damn cool.

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