The horror.....

>> Friday, September 5, 2008

First attempt on writing something...

(Black color fading and background shows an old house.
Two kids appear.)

LK: Hey, quit pushing me around!

FE: What? We are just passing by this house. Are you scared of this house??? (Move close to LK sneering)

LK: Pfft! As if i am. And your breath stinks! (Hand on FE's face and shove it away)

FE: (Turns to the house) Look, look, look!!!! What the..... (Face changes to fear)
LK: FE, you are scaring me... W.. What are you looking at?? (Follow FE's gaze)

(Two boys stop right in front of the gate.)

????: (Appear from the gate) It's rare that i have a visitor... Come in, come in... (waves the hand as a sign of invitation)

LK & FE: Argh!!!! (Shocked!)

????: Why so ssssssssssssssss.....

FE: (Regain composure, still a bit scared) Huh? What?

????: i said why so...

LK: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH........ (Gasp for air)

????: Why so s....


????: Would you shut up??! (Agitated)

FE: Ehh.. Heh heh heh... (Walk side ways to LK and close his mouth)

LK: Mmph....

????: (Breathe in and out) What are we talking about?

FE: Good bye?

LK: (Free himself from FE's grip) Uh huh. (Nods)

????: Oh ok, see you again! (Wave)
(FE & LK leaves)

????: Such nice kids. The other just sream too much....... Hey! (Hand slaps forehead)

????: Stupid, stupid... (Tried banging head against the wall but goes through it instead) WTF!

0 thought/s:

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All about promoting taking pictures using your camera phone. Of course i am including my stories in this blog! There will be pictures, either taken by camera/camera phone or drawn by pen.

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