A piece of miracle

>> Sunday, October 5, 2008

Ever wonder what is miracle?
You heard it, say it, and thinks it is one but do you really know what is it?

"It's a miracle i pass my test!"
"i have just seen a miracle, that guy managed to avert danger at the last minute."
"It's a miracle i will be able to go through this boring lecture."

Heck, don't ask me because i don't know it as well.
i am only searching pieces of miracle.

From what i had heard:
As human, all of us share our life together on earth. Because of that we often bicker, argue, fight, rival... That is why every meeting and relationship made among us is something special. Having families, friends, lovers, enemies, memory and feelings; that is what they called pieces of miracle.

i like how it is put into perspective.
So have you found your piece of miracle?
i am still searching for mine.
Calv out!

0 thought/s:

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All about promoting taking pictures using your camera phone. Of course i am including my stories in this blog! There will be pictures, either taken by camera/camera phone or drawn by pen.

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