TV ad offensive?

>> Tuesday, August 2, 2011

As the fasting and hungry ghost period happen on the Merdeka month, an 8TV ad surfaces:

How do you feel after watching this? Sure, you plan to take it with a grain of salt but to think that people are this oblivious is indeed stupid.

Here's the background of the story, on the 29th of July 2011, 8TV released 3 Ramadhan advertisements. And that's that right? Well, not so as the users on Facebook posted the video up claiming it to be racist. Slowly but steadily, it managed to generate quite a number of backlash. Everyone claimed the ad is very distasteful and "racist."

Well, racist is not the right word for it. Personally, this can be viewed as offensive. Not everyone goes "Wahhhhhh" or "Ohhhhhh" in the market. The one responsible for the ad really and I mean REALLY over-emphasize it.

The thing is, we know what to do during the Ramadhan month and of course we will watch our own action too. The ad should have shown creativity and not stupidity.. Thankfully, 8TV pulled out the ad out yesterday. And there is a proper apology given out to the public from CEO of Media Prima, Ahmad Izham Omar and 8TV too (Check it out here).

I love to quote this Youtuber comment:

Here's the lowdown of the ads in words:

The first PSA shows the girl shouting and being very loud at one stall owner while asking for a discount on another.

The second PSA shows the same girl eating greedily with Muslim customers watching her.

The third PSA shows the girl (again) wearing a sleeveless blouse, with her shoulders and arm-pits pixelated.

All the scenes are then followed by messages urging viewers to not be loud and obnoxious; not be greedy nor eat in public; and not wear revealing clothes.

The girl then acts “appropriately” after all the messages.

How's that for a PSA. Well, that's not the only case if you remember. All and all, let's just be thankful that this is over and try to keep an open eye for any more ads like that. Together we can stop offensive ads.

*Update: The video is now unavailable. Sorry =(
*Update 2: Thanks to the forces of good, I found a substitute. =)
*Update 3: Okay, apparently, no more. Try finding it at people!

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