I had a dream

>> Monday, March 2, 2009

Another one of those nightmare haunts me again.
After being able to sleep more than two hours it had to come!
i can hear a sentence repeating in my dream.
"You're just like him" all of my closest friends said.

Great, i know my friends won't betray me like that but it made me wonder...
When people starts to point fingers like that, how do one overcome it?
If it isn't my fault from the start, why does it feel that i am the guilty one?
Am i "just like him"?

Project 365 updates:

Day 4: February 27, 2009 (Friday)

Wow, there's a protest on that day. Something about the Sri Lanka Genocide.
i think it is the anniversary of that event according to what i found in Google.
At least it ends peacefully and no one got hurt.

Day 5: February 28, 2009 (Saturday)

Live Your Passion at Annexe Gallery.
This is how many stuff i had collected on that day.
Music and Theatre Forum.

Day 6: March 1, 2009 (Sunday)

The final day for the Live Your Passion.
Thanks, Eliza, for accompanying me (well, both of us wanted to go!)
Funny thing is today's forum is much better! More optimistic than yesterday!
Dance, Film and Visual Arts Forum.

Day 7 (Hurray! A week!): March 2, 2009 (Monday)

Try to eat some of the stuff in the Banana Leaf rice!
Well, atleast it is not spicy but bitter 'til i want to wash my tongue with soap!
There's a first for every food.

Calv out!

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All about promoting taking pictures using your camera phone. Of course i am including my stories in this blog! There will be pictures, either taken by camera/camera phone or drawn by pen.

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